EvolvMe Blogs

Evolv your reality. You're right where you're supposed to be.

Channeled Spirit Poetry - Broken Toys and Silent Rhythms

Channeled Spirit Poetry - Broken Toys and Silent Rhythms: image

One of the ways that my Spirit gifts flow through me is the ability to channel messages into written words.  They often come out in the form of free verse poetry.  I start by connecting the the energy of the sitter and allowing the words to flow.  I have no idea what will come, until it arrives.  Then the hard part is to trust and not think or try to edit as I write.  Often, I will do this before the client / sitter arrives, focusing in on the energy of their name. It is amazing what comes in and how accurate it tends to be.  It often ends up guiding the session. 

Channeled writing during a session:

Fear permeates my being
Making it hard
To challenge myself
To be creative
What can go wrong if I try
Fear only holds space
if I keep the windows closed

At times when I am sitting in the quiet, I notice whispers of those who are near wanting me to write for them. The more I listen and write, the more I am struck by the stories waiting to written and heard.

One such piece is Broken Toys and Silent Rhythms.   

Broken Toys and Silent Rhythms

Scattered objects of the past
Lego blocks, matchbox cars
and tinker toys
Dirty jeans on the floor
Stuffed animals tucked in the closet
Cookie crumbs on a plate
His room hidden
behind a door seldom opened
Left in the past
Mother and Father
Sisters and brother
No one comes near
Each exists in their own corner
Struggling to manage a life
One short
He is there though
Touching his mother’s hand as she works in the garden
Warming his father’s side, while cheering on their favorite team.
Walking with his siblings
As they maneuver through their lives
sharing moments of joys and sorrow.
His presence is felt in the quiet moments
When the soul is still and their hearts beat slowly
Matching a rhythm that will never be lost with time.