EvolvMe Blogs
Evolv your reality. You're right where you're supposed to be.
Paranormal Activity: Spirit Cat Guardian
My experiences of paranormal activity began shortly after I turned 51 years old in 2018. I saw many dark energies move through my prior country home,…
FAQ's from Readings I've done
Hi everyone – I thought I’d try to explain the ‘unexplainable’ as far as my viewpoint of receiving messages from Spirit. There is and always will be a…
Five Practices to Develop Spirituality and Improve Well-Being
Five Practices to Develop Spirituality and Improve Well-Being Author: Julie Starr Parker, PhD Those of us who value spiritual development know that th…
Connection between Spirituality and Mental Health
Spirituality and Mental Health When I worked as a counselor in adolescent and adult substance use disorder treatment programs, we completed an assessm…
The Medicine is in the Shadows
When we embark on a spiritual journey, we are typically ignited to walk this path due to experiences that feel heavy in our hearts. We take on a quest…
In our short lives, (I say short because I know there is so much more to come) we think we have been through it all. We think we have seen the worst o…
I am such a planner. Doesn't mean that all my plans work out but it's what I love to do. Are you a planner too or do you shoot from the hip as they sa…
This is going to be the best day ever!! Today's quote is, "I read your horoscope it said go for it and you will find your calling." If you can't be yo…
Do you like to play it safe? Do you find comfort in predictability? If you are you are not alone. Most of us enjoy the comfort of knowing what comes n…
We're so filled with uncertainty. We're so sure we don't know the way. I don't know why that is. Actually, I think I do. We have trust issues. We don'…
There is not a person on the planet who has not told a white lie. Those are the ones that cause little or no harm, like telling your spouse, "No, you…
Let's Go, Quackers!
I’m a licensed acupuncturist in the State of New York. Which, according to the Wikipedia page on acupuncture, makes me a quack. Well, it doesn’t say t…
Everyone appreciates generosity. We all love the ones who go the extra mile and give you the proverbial shirt off their back. What we don't like is th…
You are the key, you are the door.
Ah, yes. Shadow. Which wouldn’t occur without light… So far, this winter has been very transformative for a lot of us, including myself. Actually, the…
Channeled Spirit Poetry - Broken Toys and Silent Rhythms
One of the ways that my Spirit gifts flow through me is the ability to channel messages into written words. They often come out in the form of free ve…
Criticism and jealousy. Have you ever thought how closely related these two are? Think of them as family members who don't quite like each other. You…
We began this world as babies, innocent and free. We moved up to toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence and adulthood. It is my hope that you have wonder…
Why is it that we feel guilty when we aren't doing something. Why do we feel that unless we are in constant motion, we are just lazy good for nothings…
We Are Walking Shock Absorbers
Think of your lifestyle choices, your food and sleep habits, and everything you have control over in your environment as karma for your long term heal…
Listen Closely
Words of wisdom. So many profess to have them and oh do they want to share, telling you to do this, that and the other leaving you bewildered and wond…
Q&A with the Guides: on Mediumship and Evil
The ever-lingering question, Why? I asked the guides questions on evil, psychic development, and extra-terrestrials on 12/14/2021. I had forgotten abo…
Stuffed With Love
Good morning, everyone. Happy Tuesday. How did you start your day today? Did you have a big breakfast? A mug of coffee? Did you start your day listing…
Good morning, everyone. Happy Thursday. Are you one of those people who have a hard time saying no? It's nice to be nice. It's nice to want to help an…
Good morning, everyone and happy Tuesday. OMG! When is it going to happen for me? Have you thought that lately? Have you had a conversation with yours…
Good morning, everyone. Happy Thursday. Don't you love when you meet someone who gets you. Who really understands you. Someone you can laugh with, cry…
Good morning. Happy Tuesday. Why do people ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up? It's the thing to do, right? A conversation starter…
TIME IS.....
TIME IS....Good morning, all. Happy Thursday. Do you know how many songs have been written about time? I honestly have no idea, but I image tons and t…
Good morning, everyone and happy Tuesday. Most of us like being in control. We like to know the details. Where, when, why, and how. Trust doesn't come…
My Life-Enhancing Vision Quest
MY VISION QUEST 1999 By Annette D. Greene Approximately one and a half weeks prior to going on my Vision Quest I had a dream. In this dream an owl was…
What Science Says about the Benefits of Mindfulness-Based Practices
Every semester I give my online Introductory Psychology students a meditation challenge. They are often surprised to have an assignment like this and…
A few Characteristics of an Ethical Healer, Intuitive or Psychic
At no time do your hands ever leave the steering wheel. They keep you in the driver’s seat. You always maintain control of your life. You may receive…
Step by Step
Good morning, all! Happy Tuesday. Nothing we do is without thought whether consciously or subconsciously. Occasionally we move backwards and sideways…
How I Knew that I was Psychic
It seems like a lifetime ago. I was a 26-year-old blonde who wore a chocolate-colored deputy sheriff’s uniform and a 9-millimeter on my right hip. I s…
Clearing and Protection for Empaths
I am always surprised to find that even some long time intuitives do not have a strong practice of protecting their energetic field. Being empathic my…
Nurturing Naivete
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. James Baldwin, Nobody Knows My Name We ne…
Mindfulness in Sexual Connections
This topic in enlightenment is not shared enough. Sex is an energetic exchange. Similar to a battery, crown chakra is (+) and root chakra is (-). It c…
Good morning, everyone! Why is it that we can be so filled with doubt? Why is it that we can be so sure that nothing will ever work out? Why is it tha…
Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday. When running competitively, (something I have never done) I imagine that the runner is highly focused on each…
Energetic Field Significance
Symptoms of Needing Energy Field Cleansing or Repair: • Feeling blocked • Feeling exhausted or Fatigued • Loss of interest or passion • Feeling empty…
Gratitude Attitude
As we continue our journey of ascension, it becomes like a beautifully woven tapestry blending healing and learning (or remembering) then taking actio…
Intentional Energetic Integrity
Intentions are everything from my experiences. Honorably setting your intentions assists energetically with the creation of your reality along with st…
Love Connections
Why do we still mourn relationship losses and tally them as a loss? Whether it be friend, family member or romantic? I have grown grateful for the sig…