The Chakras…the Energy & the Magic


In this course, “The Chakras…the Energy & the Magic,” we take a profound look into the 7 main Chakras to discover how these energy centers of our etheric body come into play in our Spiritual AND everyday lives! 

In our first session, I give a quick overview of the Chakra system as well as each of these beautiful and powerful energy centers.  Each session thereafter centers on one of the individual Chakras detailing its characteristics and ways to keep balanced.  I also discuss how each Chakra holds its own importance, ways to ignite it’s power and to close each session, I lead a valuable meditation centered on that session’s Chakra to call into our hearts and beings the power and remarkable energy available to us!

 Session 1 Introduction - In our first session, we start out with an overview of the chakra system and go over the central points of the 7 main Chakras as a preview of each of the sessions to follow.

 Session 2 The Root Chakra - Jumping into the first chakra, we discuss the Root Chakra and its many characteristics as well as ways to ground yourself & feel more connected to Spirit as well as Mother Earth! We complete with a beautiful grounding meditation.

 Session 3 The Sacral Chakra - The Sacral Chakra, known as a sensual center, isn’t JUST about sex. In this session, we examine the qualities and aspects of this creative & passionate Chakra and begin to understand its essential merits for an inspired, fulfilled life!  We end with a Sacral Chakra based meditation designed to call in perfect harmony and creative abundance.

 Session 4 The Solar Plexus - Today we explore the Solar Plexus, it’s connection to our intuition and its extraordinary power in our everyday lives.  At the end, we meditate on courage, motivation and accepting ourselves unconditionally.

 Session 5 The Heart Chakra The Heart Chakra isn’t JUST about love.  Today we consider the influence that this beautiful chakra holds and the impact it has in creating a complete and grateful life.  We complete the session with a meditation focusing on love, forgiveness and compassion.

 Session 6 The Throat Chakra - This self-expressive Chakra, when in balance, guides us to live and create our true self! In this session, we begin to realize the value of understanding and living our own personal truth.  Then, finally, we meditate and call in truth and self-expression.

 Session 7 The Third Eye Chakra - Ahhh, the Third Eye. Most of us have heard of this mystical Chakra.  In today’s session, we explore the connection of this celebrated Chakra with our individual Spiritual gifts.  Yes, it’s true.  You actually have gifts that you may or may not realize!  We finish the session with a meditation sitting in the stillness and centering on inviting in inner wisdom.

 Session 8 The Crown Chakra - If you are interested in deepening your Spiritual connection, focusing on the Crown Chakra will lead the way.  Today, in our final session, we spotlight this deeply divine chakra and begin to understand what enlightenment really means and we complete our series on the chakras with a magnificent meditation on allowing Spirit and its white light to flow freeing within our souls.

Lauri Albert
Lauri Albert is a Spiritual Medium, Certified Meditation Teacher, Empowerment Coach, Podcast Host, Manifestation Author and Intuitive Educator who con…
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