In our time together we will spend some time connecting in the beginning then I will guide you through a short meditation to get relaxed. Please make sure you are in a comfortable space with limited distractions. Then as you relax and stay tuned into your body I will perform Chakra Balancing, Reiki Healing and receiving any channeled messages. Once I am finished I will bring you back to present awareness where we can discuss the session results and I will share any channeled messages from spirit that have come through to help you in the here and now.
Reiki Healing & Spirit Messages

Theon Paulino-Filippelli
I have had the pleasure of receiving a reading/healing session from Chellor. I was blown away by her accuracy and her ability to connect with me on a profoundly deep level. I came into the session without any expectations and I had really only one question to ask. However, she touched on things deep into my psyche that I had been working on and not told anyone. She was able to bring them to the surface and help me to heal even more. I would recommend Chellor to anyone who is looking for a deeper insight into themselves. Thank you Chellor🙏🏼
Rachel R.
I attended the Happiness Mini-Retreat with Lauri, Theon, Chellor, Lori S., & Melanie S. And WOW! We laughed sang, chanted, and danced the night away! I wasn’t sure what to expect but I found myself smiling through the whole event! Each practitioner was so FULL of love and knowledge - I’ll be taking notes next time! I will absolutely be back! THANK YOU EVOLVME