Soul Contracts Reading

Soul Contracts Reading: image

This is a short 35 minute reading that will help you discover information about your soul relationship with your person of interest. Jikara will use her proprietary Beloved Method™ system with her pendulum and charts to provide you with the reading, she may weave in a short Oracle reading for additional guidance and support if she intuitively feels it necessary for your session.

Learn the higher purpose of why someone is in your life and find out if there are any karmic entanglements that are affecting your relationship.

This reading will also help you recognize what actions you will need to take moving forward.

During this session Jikara will also help you determine if there are any soul contracts that need to be updated or released.

Author: Jikara Starita
Jikara Starita
Hello dear Soul! I am Jikara and I practice Spiritual Response Technique, and through my Highest Self I access the Akashic Records with the help of th…
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