Intuitive Reading

Intuitive Reading: image

Intuitives are empathic people who have tapped into their ability to obtain information through a heightened perception of energy. Since everything is made of energy, it allows Intuitives to connect deeply with others to assist them in gaining insights into their life, relationships, work and much more.

An intuitive reading with Theon can be an empowering experience as she will access information about what is most important for you to hear and acknowledge within your life to help you to achieve your goals. As Theon is also a medium, though it is not guaranteed, the reading may include connecting with loved ones who have past or spirit guides depending on the messages you need to hear. If you are looking directly for a mediumship reading, please check out Theon's mediumship reading service. 

Theon's Clairvoyant/Intuitive readings include:

*Life Path Reading

*Past Lives Reading

*Relationship Reading

*Please Note: Theon's readings or any of her services do not replace professional Medical/legal/ business opinions and advice.

Author: Theon Paulino-Filippelli
Theon Paulino-Filippelli
Theon is a born Psychic Medium, Remote Viewer, Healing Channel, Intuitive Development Instructor, and Mentor, as well as the founder of the EvolvMe co…
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