Julie is an Intuitive Life Guide, Medium, Energy Healer and SoulCollage® Facilitator. She combines wisdom gathered from her life experiences with her acute intuitive skills to connect to your guides to deliver messages and guidance for your highest good. She interprets chakras and auras using her heightened sensitivity, claircognizance (knowing), clairvoyance (seeing) and universal energies. Her interests include SoulCollage®, visual arts, reading, spiritual and personal growth. Her energy is recharged when she successfully helps others and when she spends time in nature.
Julie gently guides you to your center with kindness, care and honesty. She believes you are your own expert and sometimes you just need a reminder to deeply trust your own wisdom.
Julie moved into the world of metaphysics later in life. Through a series of synchronicities she began attending classes at a local metaphysical group where she spent three years focusing on psycho-spiritual growth and opening up to the energetic world around and within us. While there, she learned how to interpret chakra and aura energies. Julie then completed an intensive distance healing course where she rapidly discovered more of her natural healing gifts. It was in this class that she connected with people who helped her realize that she has the advanced skills needed to offer her services professionally. The most recent addition to her services is Mediumship which she continues to practice through class offerings to keep her skills sharp. Julie is a curious person and will continue seeking out opportunities to refine and expand her offerings.
As a child, Julie preferred quiet activities that did not involve competition. Deep down Julie felt like she didn’t fit in with the crowd. She was more comfortable with a small group of close friends rather than seeking popularity. As a result, she has maintained long term friendships with people from all walks of life.
Before finding her true calling, Julie sharpened her knowledge and wisdom of human behavior through a variety of jobs and higher education. She worked in retail, hospitality, food service, case management for people with developmental disabilities, college academic advising, pet and human care. She has an Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree including courses in Psychology, Biology, Gerontology, Exercise Science and Counseling. She also completed a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling.
Later on in life she began searching for employment that provided an environment where she could thrive and utilize her unique skills with the goal of helping others thrive too. While looking for inspiration in the library Julie was drawn to a book by Elaine Aron, PhD about being a Highly Sensitive Person. Many of the personal traits described in the book resonated with her such as: processing things deeply, focusing inward, being thoughtful to the needs of others, being conscientious and sensitive to subtle stimuli to name a few. Upon making this discovery and finding parts of herself in those pages, she began to see a path forward. She learned that high sensitivity is a genetic trait. It’s simply a part of who she is and can be tapped into to navigate her own life path.
Theon Paulino-Filippelli
My healing session with Julie was incredible! She was able clear out things I have been holding within each of my chakras and ever since, I have felt much lighter!